

“Ah, bella,” Tony crooned, brushing away the falling tear. “Sweet life and her mysteries! Even though she’s, how you say, ‘rough around the edges,’ you’re still friends?”
“Well, not now. Maybe later on, but not now.” I shrugged.
“Yes, Piccolo told me about that whole thing too.” He nodded solumnly. He chuckled lightly. “Cricket maybe hasn’t told you, but he was never the tallest of us. In fact, he was the smallest! Only sophomores we were when he sprouted up!”
I was dumbfounded. “So relatively recently?” He nodded.
“It is still fun to call him Piccolo, even though he isn’t very tiny anymore.”
I glanced at the clock on the wall. 2:15am. I groaned.
“I think bella should get some rest,” Tony said, rising slowly so his chair wouldn’t scrape the floor. “At least, I’m going to get back to sleep. Help yourself to anything else you need. Ciao, see you in the sunlight.”
I sighed deeply. Tony’s right, I thought, I should at least try to get some sleep.

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