
Grandma Charcy's 80th Birthday

“You must be Ida? It’s somebody’s 80th birthday!” Tanya moved forward with an enormous birthday cake in her hands and smiled.

“She’s away now, but I’m Nancy. I’ve spent a lot of time
here with your Grandma Charcy. Your Daddy has told me a
lot about you, T-key…”

Tanya set the cake down on the kitchen counter. “So you’re Nancy? Call me Tanya, Nancy if you don’t mind?” Tanya said, swinging her black purse off her shoulder and to the countertop. “And where exactly is Ida? Where’s Grandma?”

Nancy’s eyes welled up and her hands began to shake. Holding back tears, she regained her composure. Tanya’s coldness reminded her that Grandma Charcy would soon die. She placed her glasses on the table.

“No – not yet!” Tanya exclaimed. “Daddy is
picking up Michael right now. Don’t tell me that -“

“Tanya, no! I’m so sorry! Grandma Charcy could have died long ago, but she won’t give up. She’s with Phaedra and Father John now and she’s in so much pain. She lives for you kids. You’re all she’s got!”

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