
Third Grade Dream Horror (WEIRD DREAM CHALLENGE)

There was a huge roller coaster in my dream and a guy was in front of it, selling board games. On the speakers, my name was called and that meant I could get on the ride. As I rode through the roller coaster’s dark environment, I heard that I won A POT OF GOLD ! The pot of gold floated in front of me, but I heard my sister saying, “Noo, don’t take it!” When I got off the ride, I heard people saying that the board game seller was killed and then, I saw a weird man looking at me so I ran into a building. In there, I had to choose between going into a restaurant or those 7/11 stores, but without the donuts, coffee, slurpee machines, and nice Asian ladies. The waiter at the restaurant urged me to get in the restaurant, but he smiled in a really scary way so I went into the 7/11 store. Suddenly, my two best friends at the time appeared. Then, the big cashier guy came up to us with a knife and started to slowly cutting my neck! AND , AND! I woke up.
But when I did, I could still feel the cold metal knife in my neck..

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