
Residing Dreams (Chapter 24)

Though I took some verbal slaps in the face from gossip, it didn’t happen very often, and it was always fast and trivial.

Soon, it went away, like a huge tide that rolled in.Yet I still felt so much pain, for it, like the giant tide, had washed many things away.

Soon I felt as if I could almost coexist with the gossip, drama, and spitefullness, for that was a part of life.
As long as it didn’t effect me or my father personally, I could accept it.

I had become more cynical and emotional, and I was sacred that someone would destroy me for good.

But I knew that other schoolkids in the world had suffered far worse than I did, and I was lucky because many people were always able to respect and cherish me,
whether it be my attitude, talents, personality, perspective, or heart.

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