
This Is For a Fellow Ficleteer Of Ours:Freedom (continued in sequel)

I recently read Freedoms’ “I Remember This…” series.
It moved me.It touched me deeply and I felt great sadness.
In my heart, I know that we are all hurt at some point, but no one should have to be put through that.
I know that I was hurt by my own father, but when I read Freedoms story, it made me start thinking about why I am so angry with him.
Yes, he did hurt me.
and yes, it is in question wether or not he did abuse me sexually.
but Freedoms story is very deep.
Although, this Marcus was just a scrawny boy, his words cut deep and were very powerful.
As sad as it is, we all know that there are very cruel people out there.
Freedom is right. In her warning, she says that when you see someone in need of help, you should help them.
When you see someone being hurt, show some empathy. Put yourself in their shoes. Feel their pain.
I know, I know. Better said than done sometimes. But if you were in their situation, wouldn’t you want help too.
I know that I am late finding this, but I felt like

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