The Ultimate Translator #2
There was a click and a whir, and the machine immediately started to work.
The sentences were projected onto a huge, white screen behind Syllabus.
“The bold represents teens, and the italics the parents,” the Professor explained, watching the letters crawl across the screen.
Go back to your room and FIX it! : You have five minutes until I blow my top.
Oh, my God! That is so, like, rad! : Put that down. You’ll poke someone’s eye out with it.
Yeah, yeah. : YES .
I’ll be right there, honey, : You’d better be ready for some waiting.
“Hey! The last one doesn’t apply to all parents!” the only lady in the audience cried out, and Syllabus turned to stare down from his perch again.
“It is merely how the children view the phrases.”
The lady gave a huff, and sat back down.
Where were you? : Prepare for a lecture. I expect you to sign a full confession afterward.
It’s nothing, mom. : It’s something and more!
There was silence over the auditorium as the scientists watched patiently.