
Elfish dreams part: 12

I heard him call, “Wait! I’m sorry! Don’t run away!” but I didn’t stop. I just ran and ran.

I heard footsteps following behind me, but in matter for minutes, it was lost. I had always been a great runner, and I never got tired. My feet carried me like wings and I loved the feeling. So I ran all the way to our hut, hidden under the trees.

I found Ellhan looking for me, desperately calling out my name.

“I’m here!” I cried.

“Ellya! I need you right now! The people are cutting down the trees and have started to build…” Ellhan trailed off, distressed, “I saw them doing it.”

“That’s exactly what I came to warn you about,” I said, “I’ve just been talking to a boy-”

“You what?”

“He was really nice, although he was all for the development stuff. He’s name was Derrik.” I said quickly.

Ellhan sighed. “What did he tell you?”

“Some stuff I didn’t really understand, like technology and buildings and services and stuff. And what is a satellite?” I asked.

Ellhan just shook his head.

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