3 Days Until The World Ends. Yeah, You're Curious.
Hey. My name is Casey, and I have to save the world before it ends in three days.
Ok, kidding, but the world is going to end. And there is nothing I can do about it.
Now, lemme ask you a question: What would you do if you only had three days to live?
Ok, your top choices would probably be: be with family and friends, go skydiving, spend all your money in one trip to the mall, visit places you’ve always wanted to go to, “do” Brad Pitt or George Clooney (ew, sorry, they’re just so old), swim the English Channel, write a million ficlets, make a music video with Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, and Avril Lavigne (you know you want to), see how many marshmallows can really fit in you mouth, get a tattoo of a body piercing, eat the world’s largest cupcake, or just sit in your house, pondering your impending doom.
All sound like good ways to spend your last 72 hours, right? Nope, not to me. What do I really want to do with my last days of existence?
Be kissed by a boy.