
Making the team

I was facedown in the mud, with a 200lb, near 6 foot tall 17 year old guy, who had the prettiest blue eyes i’ve ever seen, lying on top of me. I met him yesterday, the first day of football tryouts. He was the one who stood up for me against the coach when he laughed at me. He laughed because I’m not a guy. I’m a girl. I’m trying out for wide reciever, and so far I’m the best. Even though the coach would never admit to it. I’ve been playing ever since my brother Sam started when he was 8 and I was 7. I guess you could say I don’t belong on the team being 101lbs and 5’ nothing. But I’m good.
Lately it’s been going around that I’m on the team for the guys. But there’s nothing romantic about being tackled to the ground by someone who’s almost three times your size. But tonight is the deciding scrimmage. I hope I make the team…

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