
King Jeremy (Inspired by Pearl Jam) Part 4

The teacher flew back in her chair, “Oh shit”. How professional really… He didn’t wait at all, not a second, but moved the gun to his chin, and looked straight to the sky. A tear rolled down his face as he put both hands on the trigger. The next few seconds felt like hours, not a person could move until he pulled that trigger. It hurt. He blinked and squinted his eyes and it finally released. His brains flew and hit the chalk board, his knees buckled beneath him, and he fell to the floor. Not a person in the room moved, we were all shocked by the scene before us. Jeremy had shot himself.

I guess they could hear the gunshot down the hall because the principal burst into the room, ready to try and protect the students. When he saw Jeremy his knees too buckled, though I’m sure there wasn’t any gunshots involved.

My shirt was wet, and I knew that I had gotten blood on me, but I couldn’t turn away. I really didn’t turn to look away until the paramedics came to move him. They worked so fast, like its normal. ~

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