Tardy Results: [Starts With, Ends With Challenge.]
Sorry for the Late Results: Vacation: Nuff Said.
Ok, judging this was harder than I thought. So i’ll break things down.
For Most Hilarious: Wyatt Aapr – i actually laughed out loud at this AND he used Elsha’s name in there. So good use of another person’s name as a character.
For most vindictive i have to go with Mad As A Hatter’s Amazing Race: Uncut – cuz man, that guy in his story was an IDIOT ! I love the outcome!
For Most Hopeful and Dream-like I’ll go with Elsha’s story just because it’s filled with so much hope (but she really needs to make it a series so i know what happens)
I have two runners-up for this:
Chakatreatmentson and OrangeOreos for their respective stories about sheer craziness. Chaka’s story about a closet gone wrong is whimsical, and Oreo’s story about an Asylum (i love those) just stuck out for me.
My Fave tho’ goes to Jamie Rose’s Pregnant Pause.
It’s just so damned innocent, I loved it, and it made great use of the Token Two Lines!
Thanks all.