Lonely Morning
The warm water collected around my feet. The soft sand sank silently as I walked. It was early, I knew that, the dawning clouds just climbing up from the sea. My nose filled with the scent of salt. I bent down and picked up a small blue rock. I rolled it around in my hand. I was leaving soon, the city calling me back home. I would miss the sea, I knew that. But more so I would miss the carefree days. My life at home was so stressful, it seemed I never got a break. I turned and began walking the other way. This was the end of my journey. I hadn’t been home in two years. I had traveled, journeyed away to find myself. Yet I had found nothing it seemed. I sighed and thought of home. My mother was dead, my father in a seniors home. I had a sister but she lived nearly half way around the world. The only one I had was Ryan. I smiled thinking of the gentle blue-eyed man. I wondered what he had done with his life since I had left. We had been in love then, but he could very well have given his heart to someone else.