
Leah SIlverCroft's Legacy (Prt. 1)(non-eppy)

After what seemed to be hours of getting as far as they could from the area that the Shadows had attacked Leah and Emily decided it was time for a break, so they sat down under an oak tree to try to calm down and form up a plan.

“Leah, I’m scared, there is no way that anyone would of survived that attack, not even—” But Emiliy’s voice trailed off not wanting to admit that Koji, her best friend, was now dead.

Within a few second Leah had wrapped her arms around EMily, holding her close as Emily cried into the girls chest, “It’s going to be okay Emily, the death of our friends will not be in vain, we can put an end to the Shadows, and to that royal bitch Nezumi. I promise.”

“How can you promise that Leah you ca—Leah please don’t tell me that you aer going to stand against the Shadows and Nezumi..”

“I have to, it’s my destiny, just as it is yours to help me Emily.”

“I know it is our destiny, but why? There is nobody left to fight for.”

“That’s not true, there is an entire kingdom of people.”

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