

“Things have been different ever since she started coming here.” Mr. Smithers’ voice was a peculiar combination of a meow and a human voice, but on a distinctly different register. He jumped onto the coffee table with one sleek movement and turned an accusing look at Natalie. She shivered, her eyes wide with fear or surprise.

“OK, Mr. Smithers, time for beddy-bye.” Anthony grabbed his cat and threw him into the bathroom. Just as he was closing the door, Mr. Smithers tried to get the last word in:

“I suppose now you two will mate – “

Anthony sheepishly ran a hand through his hair and stole a glance at Natalie. Incredibly, she was giggling. Was this a sign of hysteria?

“Your cat is just as funny as you are, Anthony,” she said as she uncoiled herself from the couch and walked over to where he stood. Natalie looked up at Anthony for a heartbeat or two, then stood on tiptoe to lay a kiss upon his lips.

A mournful meow could be heard coming from the bathroom.

“Can it!” Anthony and Natalie yelled in unison.

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