Losing Focus
I’m procrastinating again.
I should be doing my homework, but who cares about homework anyway? Homework is lame.
I’m not usually like this. Usually, I’m very practical, very responsible. Everything has to be in the right order. School, 2 hours of music practice, homework, and then talk to friends via phone or internet until precisely 9:30. Then shower, to bed at 10, listen to music until 10:15, sleep.
My life was a well-oiled machine. Go, go, go. Always at exactly the right time.
But lately, things have been thrown off-balance. I’m not really sure why. I feel like I have ADD . Every time I sign on my computer to start my homework (using my online chemistry textbook) I end up somewhere else. Facebook, to see if he’s poked me back. My new Email, an article on yahoo about Sarah Palin. StephenieMeyer.com to check for Twilight updates.
When I try to read out of my European History textbook, I end up staring off into space, inventing stories.
Why can’t I focus anymore?