

“No problem.â€? Spencer said, pecking my cheek. I must have been blushing because he started laughing.

“Quit laughing at me!â€? I said. “I’ve never met a boy who’s actually liked me. I really do like this one.â€?

“Jesus Christ!â€? Spencer yelled and I glanced up at his face. “You make me want to kiss you so badly but PDA is against school rules.â€?

“We could always … skip next period.â€? I offered. Maybe some time alone would ease up his cravings.

“We could! Let’s skip next period!â€? He kind of shouted that too so a couple people stared at us. I didn’t really care though; as long as there was an us.

Spencer and I headed to his car. His eyes were filled with excitement, a little too much. “You make it seem like you’ve never done this before.â€?

“Good guess.â€? He murmured, ignoring my laughter. I just couldn’t believe the so-called hottest jerk had never skipped class with a girl. Whether this was his first time or not didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I was the girl with him. He was mine. And I was his.

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