
Mary Mary, Where are you now?

“Even with your money troubles?” Conklin pushed.
Why were they questioning me? This whole thing seemed like a waste of time. Conklin shrugged again, raising his hands, “I’m just askin’. You know? Money,” he was nodding, his 3rd chin was becoming a distraction.
I stared at my hands.
“Sure. I have a terrible job. She’s out of work. Money’s tight, you know? I come home; I let off some steam,”
“How?” asked Roose.
“I know what you’re thinking, and no way. I bitch and yell, but i never lay a hand on her, no way. I would have stopped if she’d just let me know.”
“Oh?” Roose prodded.
My vision was blurred by tears. I missed her. Where had she gone. Why did she leave?
“She cried a lot,” I admitted, “You know?” i sniffed, “House payments. Car payments. Shitty job. No food on the table. Paying for a wedding. It’s alot,” i wiped tears away, embarrassed, “Sometimes, it’s hard to take that pressure and just leave it bottled inside,”
“Yip, i hear that. kinda like a Pop-Can shaken too much.” Fat one always thinking of food.

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