
The Voices In My Head.

“When?” I asked.
Roose nodded expectantly.
“Oh, after Midnight. I walked. I was drunk.”
Conklin nodded, knowingly, “Tequila will do it everytime,”
“Right,” I nodded.
“What happened when you got home?” Conklin asked this one.
I thought back, and spoke without even thinking, “Well, I got to the door, and they started talking to me.. You know? All of them, like all at the same time!”
“Who’s that?” Roose’s face wrinkled oddly, like a man who was lost and had now found his way out of the woods
“Them!” I answered. I remembered them. All the voices in my head. They’d been silent for so long. Why had they returned; talking behind his back.
“No matter how much I told them to shut up, they just keep,” my right hand was its own puppet, opening and closing like their mouths, as I grimaced; seething with frustration.
This wasn’t getting us anywhere!
“And Mary came to the door!”
“YES, damnit. She wouldn’t shut up.”
“She didn’t want you to go to the bar.” Conklin tried.
“I bought a few rounds. she bitched about the money,”

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