
Johanna Rages

Johanna’s father didn’t really care whether she excelled or not. He had already had Madison. Her mother had named her after an Eva Gabor character in Forced Landing, a vacuous movie from the 40’s that she had watched in the hospital waiting to give birth. Johanna was proud that even though she had had nothing she had found the burning desire and skill that had shaped her into the lethal weapon she was now.

It had taken all of her skill to track her sister into this thick rainforest outside Seattle. The remote location certainly has its advantages.

“You also excel at being over confident,” Johanna said.

“Dad didn’t seem to think so.”

The rage boiled in an instant, and Johanna swung the butt of her gun hard at Madison’s head.

In the same instant, Madison’s left hand shot up grabbing Johanna’s wrist and wrenching hard. How did…

The right arm of the chair crashed violently against Johanna’s left temple and she crumpled to the floor.

“Dad always said your blind rage would be your undoing.”

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