

In my utter contentment I smiled…but across by conciousness streaked the thought of him. The ever-present memory I sought to escape. I’d thought I was free! But no. Even here, in this place that is totally mine, I thought of him. What would it be like if he were here by my side? He always did love sunsets…
“GET OUT OF MY HEAD !!” I screamed aloud, scaring away a pair of gulls on the pier. I began to tear. They’d been so happy, and I’d ruined it! Could I get nothing right?

After much thought I realized that, more than anything, I wanted him here. I wanted him to be a part of my life. I decided then and there that I was through running away. I’d find him…tomorrow. For now, I’d watch the stars peek out of the sky, breathing in the ocean air. I felt the ocean’s healing powers wash over me.

“Tomorrow…” I mumbled aloud as I drifted from conciousness, lying there on the sand.

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