Residing Dreams (Chapter 48)
He looked disturbed for a moment.
“Um, I mean, since I love rainbows and all,” I finished quickly.
“Ah,” he nodded.
I took a deep breathe.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been the same lately. I really am. I’ve just been rather sad, you know? Depressed,”
I tried to explain. But would it really do me any good? I was about to find out.
It always used to be so easy to talk to my father about whatever was on my mind.
“You know, Essie, I’ve been feeling that way too a lot. Things are just hard like that sometimes,”
he replied, furrowing his brow.
I was fair surprised with the words that came out of his mouth next.
“God makes us all differently. And in life, we never know what He has in store for us. Sometimes we can’t understand why, but it’s all a part of his plan.”
I remembered all of the times he said those words to me, when I asked him the same question over and over; on the matter of why he never got married.
It seemed quite ironic, especially now, after we had had such a huge squabble.