

It was finally over, it felt like 4 hours, it wasn’t even 60 minutes. Two weeks of negotiating, twenty phone calls, it was on, it was off. Nobody knew.

I shook their hands, my skin was clammy, I hoped they hadn’t noticed, I hoped it didn’t matter.

Their offices were impressive, I tried to ignore them as I descended the 20 floors to the car park. I kept telling myself it didn’t matter.

I slid in to my car, a Lexus, a new one. I didn’t need this job.

I put on a CD to take my mind off of things, take my mind off the decision. How long would it take, they said a few days, they always say that. If I’m the person, it should be instant. I didn’t need this job, I lied to myself.

I was on a high, nervous excitement. I worded my resignation letter in my head, I checked myself. Get a grip, I couldn’t do this job.

I worked out travel schedules, it was a long commute, gas prices were crazy. It was pointless, it could all be for nothing.

I’d been driving 40 minutes, my cellphone interrupted the CD.

Decision time.

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