Sombras y polvo
It was behind him, he was sure. God Damn it! Reese waited for awhile. He was sure he heard something behind him. Nothing. Hefting the large rifle, he began to notice fatigue was starting to set in. No. He couldn’t stop now. He had to get to the bridge.
It had started out easy enough. Go in, retrieve the core samples and return to the ship. After the retrieval, Banachek had noticed it first, a blob on the passive radar. Dismissing it as a reflection from GSR4457 (the lifeless rock we were orbiting at the time), the captain told us to hurry up. So we hauled ass, got back to the ship, went to decontamination and waited. And waited. And waited. Banachek made into the lock first so he was the first to go out. But I never heard anything else. Until I got out of the airlock and found all 39 crew members missing. No blood, no damage to the ship. Nothing. But I could see it moving on the internal scans. Ever been afraid of something you couldn’t see?
The main door was in front of him. No stopping now. Do or Die.