Oh God… What was there to do? What if…
“If her father dies, Charlotte will have no one left to protect her…” Louise thought to herself. “Except for me.”
But then again, she was only sixteen- what could she do?
And what if… what if… Oh God, she couldn’t even think about it- that cold, mean woman- whatever it was that she did to her husband, she could, next thing, do to her stepdaughter. “Help me, great Lord…” Louise whispered softly.
It was obvious now: as soon as her father would pass away, Charlotte will be no longer safe in this house. “I don’t want to stay here anymore… ” Louise whispered again. The great, scary world could not have been worse.
Then, she thought of her father. Her father, who had left home on a sailing ship, when she was only five years old. Where was he now? Louise didn’t have the faintest idea- but then again, this was now her and Charlotte’s only chance- to find him, to ask him… ask him for what? In desperate times like this, you hang on to every single bit of hope.