
I Wish You Were Here

I wish you were here.

I wish you were here,
to guide me
to help me
to stay with me
to love me,
for me.

I wish you were here…
to talk with me
to laugh with me
to cry with me
to love life with me.

I wish you were here…
to experience this with me
everything with me…

I want you to see it all.
Exactly how I see it.
All of the beauty
the ugly
the wonderful
the horrible.

I want you to see it all.
And I want you to see it all with me.
Holding my hand.

I wish you were here…
all of you.
To experience everything,
embrace it all.
and to love, each other.

I wish you were here
to love.
to live.

I wish you were here.

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