
Cheerio Masaker (sp?)

“Good morning Americaâ€?, I thought-yawned as I sludged down the stairs. It was five in the morning on a Sunday. Yes, I understand. No, I am not crazy. I see your mouthes dropping in horror. “FIVE O CLOCK !â€? you say. Yes five. So what, I’m a morning person!

I scoured the some what bare cuboards for my favorite, most delicious morning food in the whole wide wide wide wide wide wide world…. drumm rooooooll CHERIOS . The only cerial to be scientificaly proven to lower cholestoral, I might add.

O thank God they were there! I yanked the ice cold milk outa the fridge. Closing the door as soon as i could. I may like the morning, but a blast of shockingly cold air in the face is never a favorite no matter how un-godly the hour may be. Got the spoon, and happily made my little bowl of heaven

“I love cheriosâ€?, I said as I dug in.

“We love you tooâ€?, they answered,â€? just dont EAT US !!!!!!!!!!!â€?

I screamed like a little girl.

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