
Hadron's Destinations

He stood naked, humiliated, covering what God had given him with two hand over his pelvis. Bill itched, the boils on his flesh now oozed, and it was all he could do not scratch at the peeling welts.
The only door to this chamber, which seemed more like a peeping-show, opened to allow a very naked Dr. Reyes in. He was shoved through the door, hiding his own personal appendage as best he could.
“Conrad?” he called.
“Bill?” the scientist coughed, “Jesus, what the hell?”
“What’s happening out there?”
“We’re being quarantined,” Conrad looked up.
“There’s at least a dozen of them up there just looking at us like rats” Bill reported.
Vahl waved, and a green liquid began to pour into the bowl within which Bill and Conrad found themselves.
“What are you doing?” Bill shouted, “What is this stuff?”
“You are being quarantined. Stand still! it is necessary; You have Rain-Phage,”
“Rain-Phage? What the hell is that?” Bill demanded.
“Too many questions,”
A zap of electricity travelled through the liquid and blackness came.

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