Residing Dreams (Chapter 99)
The lady looked at her clipboard. “Ah, yes. Mr. Chrysanthemum. However, he is sending another man to pick you up, by the name of Mr. Robert Brown. While you’re waiting for him, you can sit right here.” She pointed to a chair near the desk.I took a seat.I didn’t have much to do,so I just looked around.I saw little children hugging their grandparents, and a man meeting his wife’s parents for the first time.They looked nervous, yet happy at the same time.I felt a small pang of jealousy inside. “Essie Miracle,” I heard a firm, dry voice say. It shook me out of my thoughts.I saw Mr. Brown standing before me,and I got up and followed him. “Have a nice day,” the woman at the front desk said.Then we were off. “I presume you journey was well?” he inquired, in his drafty tone. “Yes, thank you, it was,” I replied. “I am pleased to hear that. In order to get aquainted with the house you will be staying at for the next few months, you shall not start camp until two days from now,” Mr. Brown said. “Alright,” I responded.