
An Unfulfilled Wish.

Never again. She looked at her reflection, a ghost of her former self. She couldn’t even find the mousey liberian she had once been. Her image so completely changed.

The money had done that. The guilt had finished the job.

Slowly, delibertly she bent forward, book in hand. She dropped it with a heavy thud into the ashes. She buried it in leaves and newspaper clippings.

Dousing the stack, she lit a match and threw it into the fire.
As the papers began to burn, the curling print revealed the image of the old man. His image smiled back at her as the edges began to blacken.

Tears streamed down her face as she read the words, which accompianied the photo.

Beloved Philanthropist Mourned
Maxwell Harrington, Philanthropist and father of
Faith Defluiter…

What she wished for she coud never have, so she vowed to wish… never again.

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