
Winter Something 2009

The votes had been tallied and the inauguration held. Who won doesn’t matter now; it really didn’t even matter then. For so long, all eyes had been on us, watching… waiting. All anyone really needed was the perfect moment to strike. We knew it, but we thought they would protect us because they always had.

Unfortunately, they were not just on us, as in “U.S.,” but us as a whole. The LHC brought attention from indescribable eyes from the “great beyond.” As the amber waves of grain burned, the purple mountains fell majestically. (We have yet to actually see the other worldly beings behind those attacks.)

I can’t say whether the bodies of the state heads have been buried or not. We stopped trying to bury our dead six months back. After the economy collapsed, chaos reigned. Only the strong survived. From the looks of things—- there aren’t that many strong left. I just hope that will accounts for something.

I don’t know if we’ll make it through the snow, but at least it’s no longer falling ash.

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