
Accursed Questioning

I sat up slowly, cringing against the pain shooting down my back. I hadn’t seen the Premiere in over a week; I wonder what’s happened to Lily.
I heard two pairs of footsteps. My eyes widened to see the Premiere with an advisor following close behind. I peered at the advisor, who raised his eyebrow to me ever so slightly.
In a way that was very familiar to me.
My jaw dropped in disbelief. “Lily?!” I mouthed. My sister discreetly put a finger to her lips, giving me her “I’ll explain later” look.
“Now Ezra,” the Premiere began, “do you recall that if I couldn’t get information from your sister, I would try to do so from you?” I nodded. “Well? Anything you’d like to share with us?”
“Just because I’m bedridden don’t mean I’m tellin’ you anything!” I cried.
“Now sir,” Lily said to the Premiere, “I think we should maybe hold off questioning, just for a while.”
“He has been through an ordeal; besides, he doesn’t have proper… motivation.” I caught a glint in her eye I can’t say I’ve ever seen before.

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