
Tour Bus

The wind blew through my hair.

I thought of my life. There was nothing, nobody to live for. I thought of my crumby apartment, my nasty landlord, and my idiot boss. There were some nice people at the office but all they offered was pleasentries and small talk. No one was acually my friend.

My routine was monotonous. Nothing interesting, nothing exciting.

I gulped, not knowing if I was strong enough to carry on. Yet, it didn’t matter. Soon it could all be over. I glanced downward. Downward at the streets of Manhatten. A tourbus crawled along with a miniscule guide pointing at this and that.

She pointed to the ledge that I was standing on.

People on the bus began to scream. Others on the street looked up and joined in. In minutes the police would arrive, armed with a physcologist. If I wanted to end it, it would have to be soon.

I sucked in a last breath of air and…

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