One to change
This is Blaine.
At Blaine’s school everyone likes to blend in, wearing simple colors such as brown, grey, navy blue, olive green, and not much else. It had been this way at this school for years and no one has tried to change it.
Then Blaine came along.
Blaine moved to this school a year or two ago. He was shocked by how little of color roamed across this school. It actually made him slightly depressed, how there were not very cheerful colors anywhere.
So Blaine got tired of it one day and decided to try and change this fact.
He went to school wearing a bright orange shirt proudly. And yet, everyone stared at him. He was breaking the unwritten rule of this school.
Blaine was too different for everyone else. So he was shut down by his school.
And now Blaine stares at the ocean, wondering if he had done the right thing to try and be different, was it right?
The next day at school, all sorts of people were wearing orange shirts.
It only takes one person to change something.