
Love Story for the Ages

It was 2nd period. Sam was so nervous. She had finally built up the courage to ask if her best friend, Hayden, like her the way she liked him. She had no doubt in her mind that he didn’t. She walks up to him crowded by his friends.
“Hayden can i talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure,” he walks with her away from the group.
“Whats up?”
“Do you like me?”
“No.” She felt like she was hit in the stomach.
“Do you want me?”
“No.” She started to regret saying anything to him.
“If i were to walk away right now, would you cry?” Her eyes got big staring at him worried.
“No.” She walked away in tears. She wanted to crawl uder a rock and die. But suddenly she feels someone grab her arm. It was Hayden.
He said,”I don’t like you, I love you. I don’t want you, i need you. If you walk away from me, I wouldn’t cry, I’d die.” Sam didn’t believe her ears. They smiled at each other and just as they were going to kiss, the bell rang and the teacher came in. They sat and went on with the day.

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