
Worst day in Art Class piant challenge

Today was art. We were painting our pictures but, I forgot today was art and I had my new shirt on. If I got paint on it my mom would kill me.
“Lizzie? Can you come up and can the paint for your table.” Mrs. Vogelsberg said. “Sure” I said as I walked up to get them. “Be real careful they are permanet and The lid doesnt fit.
I grabbed the paint and on my way back to my table this kid Zack tripped me. I fell flat on my face and the paint went all over my shirt and pants. I got on my knees “Noooooooooo!!” I screamed. “MRs. V. Lizzie was running and tripped over the table leg.” Zack said tring to get me in trouble. “Lizzie, You have detention” Mrs. V shouted. She gave me a slip and sent me off to detention.
This was the worst day ever.

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