
Change Is In The Air

We lived in peace for hundreds of years, the Camenites and the Trunists. Until the Trunist leader-elect banned all things Camen. We were sent to the wildlands.

We lived in the wildlands for decades, forging new lives, thanking our god, Tutiki, for all he had given us there. We were undisturbed and never bothered the Trunists, living secluded, but peacefully self-sufficient.

The Trunists hated us, had taught their children to hate us, and now had built up weapons against us. We had done nothing.

Then one day, Trunists began trespassing. At first there were only a few families, telling tales of horrid conditions, and how they had no choice but to flee the torturous conditions of the new Trunist rule.

We took them in, taught them the Camen ways and to worship Tutiki. More came, so we started outreach camps to accommodate the new learners and to weed out those who may be spies for the Trunists.

It was at one of these camps where our story begins. I noticed a war plane circle above. It carried missiles.

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