
Picture of a Girl

I tracked her every move. I drank in every sway of her body. Every hair toss, I watched.
I brought the camera to my eye and scrutinzed every inch of her body to decide which part I wanted to display on my wall next.
She suddenly shot a glance in my direction, but paid no heed to me.
I nervously shrank down in the front seat and rested my hands on the steering wheel.
My hands and face started to sweat.
I reached back and felt around in the back seat for a towel but came up empty handed.
Without taking my eyes off of her, I found the camera again.
I made a split decision and snapped a bunch of shots of her randomly.
I shrugged, hoping that some of them would be good enough to exhibit around my house.
Who am I kidding? All of them are
My shaking hands gripped my key and I shoved it in the ignition.
I drove away without looking back.

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