

We had been told that if we left our car we would be destined to roam forever, we had a pretty good laugh about that. That was silly, “roam forever” all you had to do was backtrack. The Lake had been so inviting and, it was right off the road.. No way we could get lost.
How many times had we passed that little shack? How many times had we passed that big oak? Why doesn’t the cell work? Where is the car? Where is the road? Where is the lake? The sun is starting to set, we are going to sleep in the little shack we have passed for the tenth time. Things will look different in the morning.
How many times have we passed the big oak? How many times have we passed the little shack? Why doesn’t the cell work? Where is the car? Where is the road? Where is the lake?
There is the little shack, we look at each other as we prepare to sleep, things will look different in the morning..

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