
An Unnatural Coma : Part 6

Under the bed fighting every intense urdge to sneeze. The nurse stopped at the door hesitant to close it. My mind was now screaming to get me to relinquish my fight against the invoulentary action.
“No, I can’t sneeze.” I thought to myself.
But I couldn’t hold it, I sneezed and the nurse spun around and began walking towards the bed. Just then across the hall another doctor began to scream for doctors and nurses. The nurse hesitated for a second then ran out of the room.
I rolled out from under the bed and leapt up. She knew I was here I didn’t have much time. The lights were whirling in his eyes. I grabbed his wrist and peeled away the bandage revealing and incision like mark, a strange symbol around it.
“Have the doctors noticed this, Are they trying to cover it on purpose?” my thoughts raced. This wasn’t an average coma, this was unnatural. In the madness of it all I remembered my time frame in which I had not much time left.
“I need to pick up a few things and then return.” and with that I left.

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