
Wendy & Charlie's Future's Beginning

Mrs. Cooper hugged me; and hugged me tightly. I stood rigid, almost uncomfortable, but she refused to release me. Hesitantly, I raised my hands over he shoulders and patted them awkwardly.
“There, there!” she said, more consoling herself, “Take him West and don’t look back. We’ll manage here,”
“Ok,” I was sheepish, at a lost for words really. Having Charlie’s mother as an ally to our little misadventure seemed… ironic.
I re-joined Charlie, who was busy packing essentials in a large travel pack.
“Don’t worry, we’ll buy you some clothes along the way,” he said.
“I’m not worried, Charlie,” I assured him.
He stood up and stared at me, “How can you not be scared?”
The question was moot, “When I’m with you, I feel I can do anything. The way I see it, we have nothing to be afraid of, so long as we’re together.”
Charlie’s mouth curved up, and my heart warmed to see him smile.
“By the way,” I was curious, “Who is Marcus,”
Charlie’s smile was short-lived.
Scowling, Charlie coughed and sighed,
“He’s my brother!”

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