JEBUSHELP US ! …that was awesome…girls don’t usually get to indulge in this particular kind of fun…sadly…if I could fart on cue, there is a lot of havoc I would reek(get it- reek)…hehe you sed shart… and to all you haters who might read this EVERYBODYLOVES A FARTJOKE … everybody… your mom,the Queen of England, and the Pope(he is German) laugh at farts-because they are funny! Even if you won’t admit it I know in your heart of hearts all day long you laugh at farts…
I have to sadly, admit, that this is largely based on true events. My best buddy Jer and I engage in this kinda tomfoolery over beers and chips all the time!!
Hilarious! I loved the dialogue, especially the ‘Oh Jeebus’ and even the descriptions of the farts. You Just Described All the Best Moments of High School for Me! Football, video games, farts, witty banter.
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mistress Elsha Hawk