
Spin City

Jameson was torn from his realization when Prandi’s cell phone chirped. Please don’t answer it. The phrase repeated in his mind like a desperate self-help mantra.

This time, however, Prandi did answer. “Mother, I was just about to call you.”

Jameson tried desperately to hear what Prandi’s mother was saying, but the combination of her heavy accent and the low volume of the cell phone made it nearly impossible.

“No, my flight was delayed. There was nothing I could do about it. Some lunatic was streaking through the airport, so they temporarily cancelled all flights.”

Jameson nearly laughed at her spin on the situation, but something about her body language worried him. If they were going to convince her family to forego tradition and let her choose her own husband, they had to be strong. But, her shoulders were slumped, she avoided eye contact and her obeisant tone spoke volumes.

“I didn’t know he called. My phone must have been turned off. I’ll call him as soon as we hang up. He must be worried.”

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