
Mixéd -e**(pi * i)

Jack: I admit to being a little paranoid, at times.

Occasionally, on the off chance that an esper happens to be reading my mind, I will imagine white text scrawled on a black background, reading “GET OUT OF MY MIND .”

Similarly, if agents of some secret organization happen to be trailing me, my occasional ducking into side-streets and looping paths to my destinations probably provide some measure of protection.

And, naturally, I maintain a sharp lookout for anachronistic clothing– especially bowler hats and trenchcoats– that might alert me to the presence of a time traveler.

Alright, so, more than a little paranoid. That’s not so bad, though. I don’t let these idiosyncrasies interfere with my daily activities. And, if my occasional efforts to discourage pursuit by reaching for my cell phone as if it were a gun happen to dissuade a would-be mugger, all the better, right?

I’m not too cautious.

I might not even be cautious enough.

But at least I maintain my sanity, don’t I?

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