
DaD (a sequel)

You would have to have known my dad, he was number four of seven children. He was born in Lake Charles Louisiana. My dad worked hard all of his life. He was a military man, a SSFC , he retired after 26 years.

When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s, a dollar would buy your lunch. The old mom&pop stores would slice bologna, 5cts a slic, same for cheese, the hostess cupcakes were 25cts, a big bag of lays potato chips were 10cts and, an RC Cola, was 25cts.

On the day of the story, I needed one more quarter to make my dollar. When my dad asked me did I know what he did when he was my age to get a quarter, I didn’t know, but I knew it was going to be something extraordinary and, it was lol..

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