Residing Dreams (Chapter 144)
One thing I founs interesting about my relationship with Casimir was that it felt like he needed me, almost. Yet it was different then how McKenna had always looked out for me in the old days. In a sense, him needing me was sad because I knew that he didn’t go to camp like I did. He had nothing to do while I was gone. Sure, maybe he’d read some books or do some puzzles, and occasionally watch the telly (though he told me that he wasn’t really fond of the idiot box.) But he didn’t get letters from his Dad or anyone else. My father wrote often, which I was forever grateful for. If he didn’t, I would have had a breakdown. As long as I had some part of him, I felt okay. January wrote too, and I showed some of her letters to Casimir. However, I didn’t write to her or my father about him. Maybe I wanted a secret of my own. Perhaps the less others knew, the better. Even so, I knew that January wouldn’t think that I had replaced her. She was very different than Casimir.