
the yellow leaf tree

Sunshine flooded in the room, it crept in from every crevice possible, through the sheer white drapes onto the duvet. The yellow of the sun matched, the yellow of the duvet, an inspiration from the yellow leaf tree outside.

The tree 100 years old, still standing strong, still braving the elements to come soon enough. Soon the duvet will outshine the tree, but only for so long.

The anchor of the family as it’s been called has seen as many ups as it has down’s. Its carvings showing loves and losses, a family history from picnics to weddings, from
triumphs to broken bones. Forgiving and patient, always ready to show off its glory.

Today was no different, trimmed and ready to shine, to offer strengh, beauty and grace. Soon the arbor will go up, flowers to follow. Yellows, golds, browns and reds, all in complement with the yellow leaf tree.

In a few hours the white back chairs will fill up, family to the left and right. Another carving will be added and history will continue for another 100 years.

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