
Best Friends Challenge (My 201st Ficlet)

Well, this will be my Two-Hundred and First Ficlet. And i have 500 comments too. And after a great deal of thought, I’ve decided that I would like to challenge all you fantastic Ficleteers to write a ficlet (and/or series) about BEST FRIENDS .

My original thought was to not make this a sappy challenge. But rather to concentrate your ficlet on DIALOGUE shared between two best friends … or two couples that have best friends among them!

Make it HILARIOUS . Celebrate the openness that best friends always seem to share; by always seeing the lighter sides of life!

I have made some very great friends here at Ficlets over the past 200 ficlets and I would like to dedicate this to them & The League of Awesome.

It can be any length.
In any conditions.
In any style (scifi, fantasy, whatever)
Mostly dialogue
It should be funny
However if your story is to be touching, make it INSPIRING !

But best of all, have fun celebrating best friends and their misadventures! :)

Judging will take place Nov 1st.

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