Freshmen Freak Out (Haunted House Challenge)
“Well, looks like you’re all settled in,” said Mandy while nervously looking around.
“Don’t worry, this place can’t really be haunted,” I said.
“Okay, but don’t come crying to me when you’re upset that you stayed in the haunted room at Florida Southern College,” she said.
“Don’t worry bout it. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to get some shut eye.”
“Hmm that’s odd, who would knock on my door at this time of night?” I thought, after being asleep for a few hours. Stretching, I trudged to open the door, only to find a dark deserted hallway.
“Well that’s weird, I must be really tired,” I muttered.
Upon arriving back at my bed, I found a yoyo sitting on my pillow. Truly scared now, I picked it up – the initials on the back were A.S. Wait, isn’t the name of this building Allan Spivey Hall? Then, all of a sudden, I heard the tune Yankee Doodle being hummed from somewhere in the room. At that point, I ran into the hallway, banging on my D.A.’s door. She opened it and said, “Looks like you’ve met young Allan.”