Wendy Has Some Fun
“Pardon me Dolly, but have you known my brother long?” I asked while she dished us up something steaming and smelling like vegetables.
“Mr. Cooper is a very busy man, he always asks me to watch his house when he’s away. Hope you like stew. I LOVE stew, I eat it almost every day!”
“Do you have all your teeth?” Wendy asked and giggled.
“None of your business you brat! I oughta make you sleep outside for.. didn’t your mother teach you to respect your elders!?”
“My mother’s dead!” Wendy snapped back. I was appalled at her, but the old lady wasn’t fazed.
“Liar!” She shrieked, “You wouldn’t speak ill of your own mother if she were, ‘cuz she’d haunt you from her grave!” Dolly’s nose was inches from Wendy’s, but Wendy didn’t back down.
“Maybe she does! Maybe she’ll come here! She’ll haunt YOU !”
“Out! Out with your nonsense, you crazy brat! I’ll not have you in my house!”
“Dolly!” I tried to change the subject,”When will Mr. Cooper be home?”
“Mr. Cooper is a good man, always returns with flowers for me.”