
Stuck In A Cliche

Well this year, things were gonna change. I wasn’t going to be the shy, pathetic “quiet one” that everyone saw me as. I was going to be strong, and self confident. It was about time my true colors showed.

But first… I had to get rid of the problem at hand, and fast!

“Mom, honestly, you’re being stupid. You have nothing to worry about. I wasn’t going to hurt myself. I just had gum in my hair, and wanted to get it out. And before you say anything, it was Calyx! So please, leave me alone! I am perfectly fine, except for the fact that I’m late.”

In my haste I forgot to take into consideration that my mom had feelings too, and the guilt came all too quickly as I saw her big eyes.

“Mom.. I’m sor-”

“It’s ok. I’ll drive you to school.” She almost whispered.

So, once I got to Lexington High, I completely forgot about my very.. odd morning. I had something to focus on… Being the new me. Hmm. Very cliche. New year, new me.

My thoughts were interuppted as I caught a glimpse of…

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